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The working group is open to all individuals and organizations.  Participants should be network coordinators, others familiar with network assets, data managers, and data specialists – with experience or an interest in metadata management.  Monthly web meetings will include presentations, discussion, and collaboration toward the completion of tasks.  Participation will also make it easier for individual networks to create, improve, and share their own catalogs, thus saving time and effort.

POAwg is co-led by William Manley (INSTAAR, University of Colorado) and Shannon Christoffersen (AINA, University of Calgary).  POAwg participants represent a variety of networks and related initiatives or organizations, including: ACPS, ACTRIS, ADAC, ADC, ADIwg, AMAP, AOV, Arctic SDI, ARMAP, BOEM, CALM, CCADI, eLTER RI, EPB, ESIP, ESIP, EuroARGO, GC-NET, GCW, GEO, GOOS, GTN-P, IASC/SAON ADC, ICOS, INTAROS, INTERACT, IODE, ITO, MODAAT, Nordicana D SILA, NPRB, NSIDC, OBO, PROMICE, RDA, SAON, SCADM, SIOS, SOOS, TCCON, U.S. TPC, UN Decade, US AON, and WMO.